Baby Shower Cookies

Get creative for a baby shower – bake cookies in cute designs and colours to cheer mommy up before her big day!

Baby showers are special. They help the mother-to-be relax in the company of her best female friends and family members, and they all make a tremendous fuss of her and shower her with gifts. The mother-to-be will hold her bundle of joy in about two months’ time, and before the big day arrives, she is thrilled to the core that women who care about her are throwing her a baby shower!

If you’re at a party, you’re going to need cookies. Why not bake a special batch to show the mother-to-be how much you mean to her and how excited you are to welcome her baby into your world? All you need is basic cookie-making skills, pretty food colours, cookie cutters and moulds, and lots of good ideas.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Baby button cookies: These are the simplest to make. You will need to cut them out of a basic round cutter, and you can add pink, green, blue and yellow food colours to your batter. Once the cookies are done, thinly pipe white frosting to show button holes in the centre, and rim the sides. These are sure to be a hit at the party; nobody can resist a cookie that’s so cute to look at!


Jigsaw puzzle cookie: This will be a special gesture for the mommy, especially if you know her unborn child’s gender. Use the rectangular base of a cookie tin and spread the cookie batter evenly across it. Bake as per requirement. Once the cookie cools, sugar the words ‘It’s a boy!’ or ‘It’s a girl!’ across it. Once the sugar sets, use a very sharp cutter to cut out the full cookie into random shapes. Be sure to leave no jagged edges. Now carefully wrap each individual piece in cellophane and on the day of the party, have the guests fit the entire jigsaw together to spell out the message on it!


Gingerbread babies: If you bake cookies regularly, you must have a gingerbread man cookie cutter stashed away. Use it to create gingerbread cookies, only decorate the cookies like little babies in diapers! These are very easy to make and you can make several in one batch.

Bedroom slippers: Gently rag mommy about her swollen feet with these pretty cookies that are easy to make and which look cute enough to wear. Use an oblong cutter for the slipper sole. On one end, place a big dollop of coloured frosting. If you’re feeling adventurous, make a spun sugar arrangement to make toe holes.

A cookie dollhouse: Try this only if you are adept at baking and have the whole day off. You can bake an entire dollhouse (get as detailed in the final rendering as you can) and make it the centrepiece at your friend’s house. The guests will love eating pieces of the dollhouse!